Chicklit Club



But I Said Forever - Jennifer Gilby Roberts (2014)


Twenty-three-year-old Brittany Beresford has moved to a town in Cornwall with her controlling husband Phillip and their nine-month-old son James. When Brittany married Phillip at age 18, she was in love and sure she was making the right decision. However, these days Brittany isn't happy; Phillip only wants her to be the perfect housewife and stay-at-home mum, while she is longing for some time away from home, something that's her own. When she finds a part-time job at a bakery, she seems to have found just the right place for her. With a great nanny to take care of James, Brittany is once again excited about her life. Until she discovers Phillip is keeping a big secret from her; a secret that will change absolutely everything. Jennifer Gilby Roberts has created a lovely cast of characters with the naive Brittany at its core. I quickly found myself rooting for her and really wanted her to find happiness, and it was great to see her character develop throughout the novel. Phillip made me angry from the start; he didn't seem to care about his family and he's rather old-fashioned in his views and thoughts. Thankfully, other characters such as baker Zack and nanny Carrie were there to distract from Phillip's behaviour and help Brittany. This is the second book in a series called The Parker Sisters but it can definitely be read as a stand-alone. The author's writing style is great; she really managed to pull me into the story and I couldn't get enough of the characters and everything that happened to them. My only complaint would have to be that it was too short; I would definitely love another book starring these characters. (JoH)

Rating 7/10


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